We had a good rehearsal today! Here is a quick summary.
Please remember to check FileShare for practice resources (updated).
1 - Welcome Song and transition to concert hall
2 - Getting on and off stage (which side to enter and exit, stage safety, etc.)
3 - Warm Up with Jo
4 - Seasons with CYLS
5 - Star Songs with Junior Chorus
6 - Shine on Me with mass choir
7 - Shine on Me reinforcement in Prep Chorus studio
8 - Bluebird Circle Game
9 - Roots chorus with actions
10 - Star Songs (Bintang Kecil) rehearsal on Indonesian text
11 - Goodbye Song
Please see below for a reminder of important info about the upcoming concert, from the weekly e-news
VIVA CONCERT REMINDER - Nov. 30 Roots: Growing Strong from Story to Song (A celebration of our choristers’ rich musical heritage) - for singers in Prep, Junior, Main, CYLS, EVM and Community Choir  Dress Rehearsal - Friday November 29 Attendance is mandatory. Please see specific choir call times below:  Prep - 4:45-6:00 Junior - 4:45-6:00 Main & CYLS - 4:45-7:00 Community - 5:45-7:00 EVM - 5:45-7:00  Concert - Saturday November 30 Call time - 5:30 Concert start - 6:30  Concert dress Youth choirs - VIVA t-shirt (available here), all black Adult choirs - all black  Ticket info will be sent out on Sunday from hello@vivayouthsingers.com. Please reach out to Kate for any questions about tickets! |