Hi All -
Thank you for all you do as we make beautiful music together!
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday 31 January at Regis CollegeĀ (Queen's Park & Wellesley).
Black folders as always. Please look over all of your music for Friday. Chamber: especially Byrd.
Dress Rehearsal: 5:00PM
Concert: 7:30PM
Additional tickets at the door.
Kindly arrive in your blacks due to limited space for changing.
Food: Pizza at 6:30? Send Laura $5 per person to laurajane.menard@gmail.com by Thursday at 6.
More food: Meet us at Firkin on Bay post concert if you can. We would love to connect! 1075 Bay St; walking distance from Regis.
Here is program for Friday. Please put music in order before the dress rehearsal at 5.
Last minute questions on Friday? carol@vivayouthsingers.com