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Rehearsal Summary - January 15

Happy New Year! We had a fantastic start to the new term with a very positive and productive rehearsal.

  1. Welcome Song

  2. Introductions and hello -- we were excited to welcome some new friends today, Laia and Riley!

  3. Warm Up

    1. Stand Up, Feet Apart: movement and singing

    2. Sighs and sirens with scarf (chorister creations)

  4. *Everybody Has a Light to Shine: learned chorus

    1. learned text in rhythm

    2. then added pitch/notes

  5. Step Into the Elevator: movement and singing

  6. *Penguin Ball:

    1. guided movement, getting the song in our ears

    2. solo/group movement (stationary vs. locomotor)

    3. some echo singing in the A Section

  7. Small Groups

    1. new singers -- met with Edmee for some vocal exercises and getting to know you

    2. returning singers -- stayed with Simon for some rhythm/theory learning

  8. Little Sally Walker: circle game

  9. Goodbye Song

  10. Sign Out

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