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Congratulations & the Coming Weeks!

Hello Prep Families, 

Congratulations on a wonderful winter concert. I am so proud of each and every young singer for their music-making -- and thank you to all of you who supported them along this journey!

We will be taking a break from Monday rehearsals until 2025--Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Our next rehearsal will be Monday, January 13. In the meantime, we hope to see you around as VIVA's many other choirs continue into a busy December with The Nutcracker and Messiah.

We are excited to welcome new singers into our Youth Choirs starting in January! Please send any interested friends and family members our way in the coming weeks. Folks can find out more about our regular Monday evening programming here or sign up for a spring session of Saturday Sings

Lastly, the Creation Stream is open to ALL, whether a part of VIVA or not! It is a unique program in Canada, and I encourage all to check it out. No experience in composing, creating, or arranging required.... We welcome creators of all stages and ages!

Please reach out to us if you have any questions and see you in the new year!

Edmee on behalf of the Prep Chorus Team

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